Struggle to stay asleep

Are you struggling to stay asleep when all you want to do is sleep? 

It’s natural to expect that you will stay asleep until it’s time to wake up, and wake refreshed after between 7-8 hours of sleep – until that is no longer the case. Believe it or not, everyone wakes up during the night, and most roll over and go back to sleep without any recognition they had woken up! 

Your struggle to stay asleep could be a sign that something else is going on. There are a number of reasons why adults could start waking in the night beyond the obvious ones like needing the toilet or being woken up by an outside noise. Biological and psychological factors could be contributing to your night waking. Your ability to stay asleep at night is often impacted by the activities of your day and they’re only being realised while you sleep. That could also explain why sleep hygiene doesn’t consistently work for you.  

If you struggle to stay asleep most nights, you could have developed a habit of waking in the night, otherwise known as maintenance insomnia. And if you feel disappointed or angry when you realise you have woken up, your negative response may keep you awake for even longer. 

You could try supplements or script medication to help you sleep through the night however they will only mask the issue. It is better and healthier for you to address the root cause of your night waking as taking supplements and script medication have their own side effects. Addressing the root cause naturally will provide you with the ability to proactively manage your sleep experience.  

Working with someone who specialises in supporting adults with their sleep, could be what you need. Often people need a more tailored approach provided by a professional to help them fall asleep and stay asleep. 

With my approach, combining therapies designed for sleep problems and the biology of sleep you will be sleeping through before you know it.