Sleep and nutrition are both essential in all of our lives for promoting a high quality of sleep. The quality of sleep that we get ultimately dictates how well we perform in our lives, whether it be in our professional work, or in our personal lives with relationships.

And when you combine the two, more importantly, when it comes to sleep, your nutrition plays such an incredibly vital role in promoting that high quality of sleep. What you put into your body can significantly impact your patterns of sleep, either negatively or positively.

That’s why in this article, we’re going to delve into the connection between sleep and your nutrition, while also glancing over some foods that can enhance your quality of sleep, as well as those foods that should be avoided. 

The Impact of food on sleep 

The foods we consume throughout the day can directly influence your sleep quality and duration. Certain nutrients and compounds found in food can either promote or hinder your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. By understanding these connections, you can make informed choices about your diet to support a better sleep experience. 

Foods that promote quality sleep 

1. Complex carbohydrates

Incorporating complex carbohydrates most specifically into your evening meal can enhance your sleep. This includes foods like whole grains, sweet potatoes, and quinoa. These foods have a low glycemic index, which means they release energy slowly, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and as a result can assist in preventing nighttime awakenings. 

2. Tryptophan-rich foods

No doubt there’s a lot of talk about this one around Christmastime when our attention turns to eating turkey. Tryptophan is an amino acid that plays a key role in sleep regulation. Foods like turkey, chicken, nuts, seeds, and bananas are excellent sources of tryptophan. Consuming these foods can increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and helps regulate our sleep. 

3. Magnesium-rich foods

Magnesium is a mineral often known for its calming and healing properties. Foods like leafy green vegetables, various nuts, all kinds of seeds, and even legumes are abundant in magnesium. Including these foods in your diet can help relax your muscles and promote a sense of calm before bedtime. You can especially work them into salads or other kinds of meals. 

4. Melatonin-boosting foods

You may have already heard of this one, but just in case you haven’t, let’s break it down. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Certain foods can actually naturally boost the melatonin levels in the body. A few foods include tart cherries, delicious kiwis, and oranges, which are all rich in melatonin and can contribute to better sleep when consumed in the evening. 

Foods to avoid before bed 

1. Caffeine and stimulants

It’s no surprise that caffeine can interfere with sleep, among many other adverse effects from using it. Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and energy drinks in the late afternoon and evening. Be aware that some foods, such as chocolate and certain medications, also contain caffeine and should be consumed in moderation or avoided up to 3 hours before bed. 

2. Heavy and spicy meals

Eating large, heavy meals close to bedtime can disrupt sleep due to indigestion and acid reflux. Spicy foods can also lead to heartburn and discomfort. For me, I find that my liver struggles to process spicy meals, so I often wake at around 3 am feeling very warm. If this happens to you, opt for lighter meals in the evening and allow ample time for digestion before lying down. 

3. High-sugar foods

Foods high in sugar can cause energy spikes and crashes, leading to difficulty falling asleep and maintaining sleep throughout the night. Avoid sugary snacks, desserts, and beverages, particularly in the hours leading up to bedtime. 

4. Alcohol

Although alcohol may initially make you feel drowsy, it can work wonders towards disrupting your sleep patterns later in the night. It can lead to more frequent awakenings, less restorative sleep, and increased snoring. Limit or avoid alcohol intake, especially in the hours before bed. 

Ready to eat to help you sleep?

When it comes to our sleep, it’s not a secret at all that nutrition in our daily life plays a truly crucial role. By making the effort to make a conscious choice about the various foods that you consume, you can positively impact your sleep quality and improve your well-being.

Incorporating foods like complex carbohydrates accordingly, tryptophan-rich foods are applicable, foods rich in magnesium, and even melatonin-boosting foods into your evening meals can have a significant impact. At the same time, you want to avoid or limit your caffeine intake, steer away from spicy and heavier meals, high-sugar foods, and of course alcohol around your bedtime.

If you’re not sure what you are eating throughout your day, use your smartphone and take a photo of everything you eat. I remember doing this when I was focusing on how much and what I ate and found it very instructive. I have also enclosed a food diary for you to use if you prefer a paper option, in addition to helping you work out what you’re eating, it will also help you work out if you are an emotional eater. 

While it may seem tricky to adopt a sleep-friendly diet, you will also cultivate the optimal conditions for a restful night of sleep, allowing you to wake up without feeling exhausted. Remember that small changes in your diet can go a long way, so don’t stress yourself out over making a heap of changes at once. Focus on one mealtime each week and so on until you have upgraded all your meals and snacks. 

Relax, and sweet dreams!

If you would prefer to work with someone on your sleep-enhancing diet, then book a confidential call with me and we can explore together how you can transform your diet without feeling overwhelmed. 

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