You probably know that you need adequate sleep and hydration to stay healthy. However, you may not realize how closely the two are connected.
Adults who sleep 6 hours or less each night are up to 59% more likely to be dehydrated, compared to those who get a full 8 hours of sleep. That’s according to a recent study by Pennsylvania State University.
Researchers believe one underlying cause is vasopressin. This hormone maintains your water balance and rises during the later stages of sleep. If you miss those hours, your kidneys won’t retain enough fluid.
This is just one example of how fluid intake and sleep affect each other. Find out more about daily habits that can help protect your mental and physical wellbeing.
Sleep habits
1. Schedule sleep
Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day is one of the most effective ways to increase the quality and quantity of your sleep. You’ll lower your risk for insomnia and dehydration by strengthening your body’s natural rhythms.
2. Practice nasal breathing
The average adult loses about 1 liter of fluid each night. You can dramatically lower that amount by breathing through your nose instead of your mouth. Lying on your back with your head slightly elevated will help.
3. Cool off
A hot bedroom also contributes to moisture loss, so turn your heating down or your air-conditioning up. The ideal temperature is between 19 and 21 degrees Celsius (66-70 Fahrenheit). My favourite is 19 degrees Celsius. Once you work out your ideal temperature, you’ll save on energy and probably fall asleep faster.

Hydration habits
1. Spread out your intake
Aim to drink half your body weight in water. It’s easier if you sip throughout the day rather than try and make up for it in a few hours before bed. Foods high in water like celery (95%), strawberries (91%), and tomatoes (95%) count too.
2. Drink water first
Start your day with a big glass of water before you eat or drink anything. It will help to make up for some of the fluid you lost overnight, it will wake you up and help you focus quicker. And if you are concerned about your calories, it will help you satisfy your cravings and contribute to a feeling of fullness.
3. Postpone coffee
That glass of water will probably wake you up just as well as your usual cup of coffee, so you can save your caffeine for later. Excessive caffeine may interfere with your sleep, especially if you continue consuming it after about 11 am.
4. Rehydrate after workouts
Water is usually sufficient for replacing the fluids you lose through aerobic exercise. Sports or rehydrating drinks drink may be appropriate after long and intense exercise but check the labels to see how much sugar and calories they contain.
5. Limit alcohol
It’s the one beverage that actually dehydrates you. Drink responsibly and avoid any cocktails close to bedtime. I often drink a soft drink or mineral water first at networking events before switching to wine. Sometimes I don’t switch and stay with the soft drink.
6. Avoid sugar
Dehydration tends to make you crave sweets, but sugary beverages are more difficult for your body to absorb. Stick to plain or naturally flavoured water, especially if you’re watching your weight.
7. Use less salt
A diet high in sodium will increase your risk for dehydration. Processed foods and bread are two major sources, so eat them in moderation.

Other signs of dehydration
1. Nocturia
If you make 3 or more trips to the bathroom each night, you may have a condition called nocturia or nighttime urination. Trying to control it by drinking less water later in the day. If you need to reduce your water intake, monitor your urine colour. The urine of a well-hydrated body is a straw colour. If your urine becomes more concentrated, it will become brownish indicating dehydration. If this happens you may need to seek medical advice.
2. Fight cramps
Stiff muscles are another physical symptom of dehydration that may keep you up at night. In addition to water, add daily stretching and massage your muscles into your daily routine.
3. Night waking
According to the Chinese Body Clock waking between 1 am and 3 am is a sign of dehydration. If you are waking up naturally between 1 am and 3 am, it is a sign you need to hydrate more during your day.
Increase your energy levels and enjoy greater health by staying hydrated.
How to track how much water you drink
The most effective way to track how much water you drink is to use a drinking bottle, so your water volume is measured. I often use a 1.5l water bottle and then I check how much I have had by lunchtime, afternoon tea and dinner time.
Another way to track how much water you drink; you can make a mark on a piece of paper or notebook each time you refill your water glass. That way you will know how many marks you need to accumulate by the end of each day to make to reach your water goal.
Understanding the relationship between hydration and sleep can help you make daily choices that will enhance your sleep and the quality of your life.
If you need support to change your sleep habits, book a confidential call, and we can explore together how you can make lasting sleep habit changes.
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